Ryddemaraton med Y.T (Tokyo)
The method of tidying up was clear and it was very useful to pick up each item and think about whether it would make me cringe. Choosing my belongings (clothes, books, documents, knick-knacks, etc.) together in the session and only selecting and putting away things that would be useful to me in the future was also linked to my life.
I learnt to value the past but also to value my future life, not only in my room but also in my head.
Thanks to this session, my future goals and what I want to achieve became clear, and it also gave me the opportunity to rethink how I spend my time on a daily basis. I am now able to complete various tasks when I have more time.

1. kindness
2. deep thinking
3. rich in life
4. comfortable with people's feelings
5. knowledgeable about different national cultures
6. globally active
7. stable in feelings
8. good at raising children globally
9. smart
10. good at using time
Organising with Mr Ha was very meticulous and involved going through one item a day.
Ha gave me advice on clothes, books, papers and knick-knacks and listened carefully to each one and helped me to pick and choose.
Through clearing things away, Ha's sessions helped me to organise my mind, organise how I use my time and organise my goals.
I was able to find new and valuable things. I learnt how to use my time better and how to have better relationships with people.
I am in a clean and tidy room and have organised what I need to do.
I feel safer by having a home that I can call anyone to my home.
Not only have I tidied up, but I have taken stock of my life.
I learnt how to use my time, how to schedule my time, what I need to learn and the ideal image to aim for.